When the feelings are so strong and the facts are so thin, we tend to fill in the gaps to fit the feelings, not the facts. Fast brain recruits slow brain to get lazy -referencing Daniel kahneman.

Using leaps of the imagination to fit a story logic..”.I feel so threatened, so you must be threatening me. ” ” I feel so paranoid, so people must hate me.” We fill in the gaps with feelings.

The feelings move in a milli.mico second while reason is that train that is always late to arrive so we are always looking for an alibi after the crime.

These reflections??? arise after mediating…trying to..noise complaints in our condo community. The noise was the evidence… they said… of deep hatred!!!!but they know nothing about each other save she is African American and older and she is Latina and young. 2 lovely people.

How inventive our brains are…long on feelings. short on facts, we recruit our imaginations to make us look good even when we know we are being bad or not as pure as our stories make us out to be. The first sign of guilt, as any cop knows, is the claim to be immaculately innocent. ” Me? With a gun? I thought it was a pencil. I wasn’t pointing at you officer I was drawing. Thats why they call me a quick draw.!!!!

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