News Flash- Peace is flowing like a river,

Australia and New Zealand have just signed a peace agreement, USA and Canada have just signed a peace agreement,

Vatican and France have just signed a peace agreement

Vatican and Brazil have just signed a peace agreement

Islam and Mecca have just signed a peace agreement.

Jews and Israel have just signed a peace agreement.

The moon and the sun have just signed a peace agreement
Tasmania and Victoria have just signed a peace agreement
Romeo and Juliet have just signed a peace agreement
Abbot and Costello have just signed a peace agreement
AND….drum roll!!!!!
UAE have just ordered F35s from the USA and done a deal- they call it Guns of Peace or GOP for short and it will surely help them continue to destroy Yemen- with our weapons-
Thank you Bibi, ( we might use it on you too if we have to) and thank you Donny-the arms race pays dividends, Iran thank you.
And Bahrain hosts the USA Fifth Fleet anyway and so, what a surprise.
Both UAE and Bahrain are dictatorships and both are oil rich kingdoms and the peace deal has nothing to do with peace.Absolutely nothing.
Because well, they were never at war with Israel, and never security allies with Palestine, Self interest rules in the Middle East as here.
They do have wars though and the peace deal does not change that- war with Yemen, yes, war with their own people, yes, war with democracy yes and war with human rights, yes, but because they sense that right now, Election 2020
Israel and USA, run as they are have so much in common with UAE and Bahrain, why not stage this as a breakthrough. People will never know the real story. They are suckers to whatever our headline tells them.
In the days of rock masses, the kids used to mess with the song “Peace is flowing like a river” and substitute another word for “Peace” that sounded like what this is actually a whole lot of.
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30Deborah Storz, Mary Vignogna and 28 others
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