Testing a new Coaching model with folks- that tries to connect up “What’s the matter?” with “What Matters.” or to say it in another way, to map where we place our attention, and then comparing that to what we are really intending. How does your attentions compare to your intentions? Is “what is the matter” what really matters?

Given that we live in a world where the most profitable businesses are distraction rather than extraction industries, media, PR, election campaigns, marketing, social media, then our attention is being assaulted at every minute, and its so easy to lose touch with our intentions. We tend to live our lives from the outside in, and not inside out. We allow our purpose to depend on a poll of the most popular opinion of our family and friends of what our purpose is, or we bow to market forces to be whatever will sell.

The method raises the question of how would we reinvent our lives if our attention was a function of our intention, not the reverse, and that we lived the life we wanted for ourselves rather than the life that others want us to want for ourselves. The steps are

1-Map attention, what occupies our time and energy day to day-
2-Declare our intentions, what we most deeply want for our lives
3-Compare the two to get curious where they are not matching, and from that, to choose
4-To invent a life that is closer to being on purpose, rather than being an accident of what seizes us in the moment.

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