The ethical principles of narrative work include
· Everyone has a story
· Every story is worth telling
· Every story makes sense in its context
· No one has the full story
· We hold the narrative rights to tell our own story over someone else telling it for us
· We are part of one another’s stories. You are part of my story and I am part of yours. We live story-entwined lives.
· No one is ever in one story
· No one story can ever capture or do justice to the fullness of life as lived
· No story is innocent. Stories have effects for which we are accountable both as tellers and audience
· Any story that ‘stories-over’ or ‘stories-out’ the people the story is most likely to effect, is narratively speaking, unethical. The voice of the person most effected, whose interests are most at stake, needs to be in the story of the decision.
· We have to claim and win narrative authority over our lives from those who assume they know our story or who have the power to impose it on us.
The narrative ethical position is always, “I must be able to tell the story in front the people most likely to be effected by it.”
For further Consideration:
Is the truth/false evaluation still sufficient to guide us as to which stories we accept and which we reject?
If true stories in some sense are false and false stories are in some sense true, what other way can we use to determine which stories to accept and which to reject? |